Data Screening

Employment Screening Services

According to a recent survey, approximately 96% of employers do at least one type of background check on all of their employees. DataScreening makes it very easy for you with our automated process, streamlining your entire workflow. All searches and services can be customized to fit the needs of all companies and industries, regardless of size and budget.

Our FCRA Certified consultants can help you with deciding what searches to run and to create any number of packages for you. There is no cost for us to create any type of package or any number of packages. And packages can be changed at any time; done within minutes, not hours or days.

Criminal & Legal Record Searches

A physical search reporting the 7-year history of felony and misdemeanor court records in the county requested. Multiple counties may be selected, which may be found by zip code entry. Searching the county of residence and prior counties of employment or education is a universally recommended practice. A social security search is also recommended to establish the legitimacy of the address provided by the applicant.


When a physical search is performed, a correspondent from Data Screening will go to the courthouse in the county selected and pull a real-time file on the individual. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Federal criminal records report crimes committed against the U.S. government. This information is not included on a county or statewide record. Criminal records that could show up on the Federal level are – bank robbery, interstate drug trafficking, kidnapping, mail fraud, or crimes committed in an airport. Turnaround 1-3 days.

A physical search reporting the 7-year history of felony and misdemeanor court records in the state selected. It is recommended searching the state of residence and prior states of employment or education. A social security search is also recommended to establish the legitimacy of the address provided by the applicant. Turnaround 1-3 days.

A powerful high-speed multi-jurisdictional search of state and county criminal records databases. Currently, this includes over 115 million offense records that quickly return offender information in a condensed, easy to comprehend format. National Criminal Records Search also includes National Sex Offender and the Office of Foreign Asset Control Search (OFAC). This report should be used in conjunction with a County Criminal Records Check. Turnaround Instant.

This search is the same as the National Criminal Records Search but on the state level. State Criminal Records Search also includes National Sex Offender. This report should be used in conjunction with a County Criminal Records Check. Turnaround Instant.

A civil search of court records for, but not limited to – wrongful terminations, litigated worker’s compensation suits, personal injury suits, sexual harassment, fraud, embezzlement, and other civil actions. These relate to non-criminal lawsuits by or against a person or company. County Civil courts are either upper or lower courts, based on the dollar amount of the action. The dollar amounts will vary by state and county. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Federal Civil actions relate to Federal statutes and would include EEOC, EPA, Treasury or SEC fraud, Civil Rights, etc. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Criminal & Legal Record Searches



Direct verification of previous employment claimed. Verification of dates of employment, job title, overall performance, attendance, the reason for departure, re-hire status, current salary, and other general comments. Custom questions can also be added for Data Screening to ask a previous employer. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Direct verification of previous employment claimed. Verification of dates of employment, job title, overall performance, attendance, the reason for departure, re-hire status, current salary, and other general comments. Also standard verification questions six DOT specific questions will be asked. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Data Screening will fax the previous employer a DOT driver specific questionnaire that will verify the applicant’s alcohol and drug history while on the job. Employers will be asked to provide documentation of the driver’s successful completion of DOT return-to-duty requirements, including follow-up tests if a driver has violated a DOT drug & alcohol regulation. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Direct verification of previous or current education. Education Verification reports the dates of attendance, diploma or degree earned for the highest level attended. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Data Screening will verify the authenticity of a license through the issuing agency. Reports typically give license type, issuing authority, and disciplinary actions and dates. Examples of licenses that can be verified are FAA, FCC, Nurses, Teachers, Physician, Pharmacists, etc. Turnaround 1 day.

Data Screening will verify references for a job applicant. Data Screening can provide questions to ask a referer, or the requestor can provide custom questions to Data Screening. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Data Screening will look through many different search engines to obtain any web sites with information on an applicant. The search will be performed based on name and any e-mail addresses associated with the applicant. Turnaround 1-3 days.

Data Screening will send applicants DD 214 discharge forms to the military to verify that they are authentic as well as verify dates of service, branch or military and discharge status. Turnaround 15-30 days.

Drug Screening & Occupational Testing

Tests include Marijuana (THC), Cocaine, Amphetamines, Opiates, Phencyclidine. Testing also includes collection at a LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Center and a Medical Review Officer (MRO) review.

Include all of the drugs as the five panel as well as Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Methadone, Methaqualone, and Propoxyphene. The test also includes a collection at a LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Center and a Medical Review Officer (MRO) review. Also available 7 Panel DOT Mandated & Non-DOT, 8 Panel, 9 Panel and Alcohol tests Turnaround 1-3 days from collection.

Tests include Marijuana (THC), Cocaine, Amphetamines, Opiates, Phencyclidine. Testing also includes collection and a Medical Review Officer (MRO) review. Turnaround 20-30 minute from the time of collection.
We provide an array of occupational tests such as Physical’s, Pulmonary Function Tests, Audio & Vision Tests to name a few. We can also offer vaccines such as Hep B, PPD, and Meningococcal vaccines. All tests and immunizations are performed at a clinic and results reviewed by a physician.
Drug Screening & Occupational Testing

International Searches

International Searches

International Criminal Searches are searches done outside the United States. Data Screening can perform a criminal background search in most countries throughout the world. A list of countries is available upon request. Turnaround depends on the country.

Direct verification of previous employment claimed outside the United States. Data Screening can perform employment verification in most countries throughout the world. Verification of dates of employment, job title, overall performance, attendance, the reason for departure, re-hire status, current salary, and other general comments. Custom questions can also be added for Data Screening to ask the previous employer. Turnaround depends on the country.

Direct verification of previous or current education outside the United States. Data Screening can perform an Education Verification in most countries throughout the world. Education Verification reports the dates of attendance, diploma or degree earned for the highest level attended. Turnaround depends on the country.

Driving Records

Driving records provided by the specified state in which the applicant holds a valid license. This will reveal all citations, license revocations, auto insurance cancellations and cited accidents. The data reported and some years included will vary slightly by state. Turnaround Instant in most states.

Commercial Driver’s License Information System (CDLS) allows employers to comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requirements by searching within the Commercial Driver’s License Information System. This searches for any prior licenses, current CDL and up to three prior licenses held by said individual. The Commercial Driving Records Search provides present jurisdictional state and driver’s license number; name; DOB; Social Security Number match; up to three previously held CDL numbers; and AKA information.


Mandated by the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act (CMVSA) of 1986, CDLIS supports the issuance of Commercial Driver Licenses (CDL) by the jurisdictions, and assists jurisdictions in meeting the goals of the basic tenet “that each driver, nationwide, have only one driver license and one record” through the cooperative exchange of commercial driver information between jurisdictions. All states are required to subscribe to this database. Turnaround Instant.

Driving Records

Credit & Social Security Searches

Credit & Social Security Searches

This report is for employment purposes and comes from one of the three national credit repositories and meets compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). It does not put an inquiry on the applicant’s credit report. This information gives insight into the financial responsibility and spending patterns of the applicant. Turnaround instant.

Determines whether the social security number provided by the applicant is of legitimate issue. By entering the social security number, the report generates all known users affiliated with that SSN, addresses, and dates of residency, which can help rule out a false identity. The report also helps verify previous addresses along with dates. A check fraud database can be added to this search. Turnaround instant.

A direct verification with the Social Security Administration that verifies the SSN. The applicant fills out a form issued by the social security administration. We submit the form to the SSA, and they report back if it is a match to the SSA, not a match or if the name/SSN appears on the death registry. Turnaround 1 business day.

Other Services

This product searches an applicant’s name and birth date for any records in the National Sex Offenders Database. Sex Offender photos and description of their crime are included in the history. Turnaround Instant.

The Office of Foreign Asset Control Search (OFAC) is a database list of foreign nationals that the United States government currently has sanctions against; whose property may be blocked; and with whom no US person may have dealings. The information contained herein may include one or more of the following: date of birth, place of birth, passport number and country, citizenship or US-SSN, employment or group membership or affiliation. The Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Asset Control provides updates. Turnaround instant.

Federal plus one state of residence


Federal plus all 50 states


The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and The General Services Administration (GSA) search uses the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Office of Inspector General’s database for individuals and businesses excluded or sanctioned from participating in Medicare, Medicaid, or other federally funded programs. The search is also comprised of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). This search is a historical search as opposed to the United States Government’s search which removes names. Turnaround instant.

History of Workers Compensation claims. Report typically includes the date of incidences, time lost, employer during the time of the incident, type of injury and body part injured. Each state limits the data they report. (This report can only be generated after a “conditional job offer” has been made). Turnaround varies by state.

Physicals help determine whether certain applicants or employees are medically and physically able to perform their roles. These exams compare the health of the individual with the expected demands of a specific occupational role to ascertain appropriate fitness. A physician will review a patient’s medical and professional history before proceeding with a thorough physical examination.

A powerful high-speed search of 14 separate U.S. and foreign sanctions and watch lists including OFAC. Lists include:

  • U.S. Wants & Warrants – Data from compiled records containing information on over 600 fugitives. Information is taken from the FBI Most Wanted, U.S. Marshals Most Wanted, Secret Service Most Wanted, and The D.E.A Fugitives List.
  • Interpol Most Wanted – The persons concerned are wanted by national jurisdictions (or the International Criminal Tribunals, where appropriate), and Interpol’s role is to assist the national police forces in identifying or locating those persons with a view to their arrest and extradition.
  • European Union Terrorism Sanctions List – List, maintained by the European Union, of known terrorists subject to financial sanctions.
  • Health and Human Services Exclusions List – Office of the Inspector General List of 34,855 individuals excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs dating back to 1980.
  • Debarred Parties List – National Security Debarred List consists of persons (including entities and individuals) who have been convicted of violating or conspiracy to violate the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). These persons are prohibited from participating directly or indirectly in the export of defense articles (including technical data) and defense services.
  • Denied Person List – Data from the U.S. Department of Commerce on persons whose export Privileges are denied by federal written order.
  • Bank of England Sanctions List – List published by The Bank of England, the central bank of the United Kingdom, containing the names of individuals against which financial sanctions have been imposed. Targets have been listed by the UN, European Union and the United Kingdom under legislation relating to Al-Qaeda & Taliban, Burma/Myanmar, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia & Serbia, Iraq, Liberia, Terrorism and Zimbabwe.
  • Australian Reserve Bank Sanctions List – List published by Australian Reserve bank to freeze the assets of known terrorists. The list includes individuals listed in the UN Consolidated list, plus unique individuals designated by Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  • Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) – OTS is the primary regulator of all federally chartered and many state-chartered thrift institutions. The OTS enforcement actions list is a directory of actions levied against institutions & affiliated parties.
  • Canadian Sanctions List (OFSI) – List of names, maintained by Canada’s Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, of individuals sanctioned under new Canadian and United Nations anti-terrorism measures.
  • United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List – List of individuals upon whom United Nations Sanctions have been imposed based on new anti-terrorism measures.
  • World Bank List of Ineligible Individuals – List of individuals who are ineligible to be awarded World Bank-financed contacts because of violation like bank fraud and corruption policies.

The Healthcare Continuous Monitoring Background Check is specific to the healthcare industry and gives employers the ability to be proactive in identifying any sanctioned or excluded parties. You will be notified in real-time of any violations to help keep your current workforce compliant and to make sure your company and patients are not at risk.

Continuous Monitoring Background Checks give employers access to be notified in real-time of any reportable changes in criminal activity of any current employees to help mitigate risk that they may not otherwise know about; for a fraction of the price of a background check.

Our Electronic I9 system fully automates the completion, signature, storage, and tracking of all I9’s, making a totally paperless I9 process possible while keeping you in full compliance. It includes a clean easy to read dashboard for tracking all I9s, E-Verify, error detecting pop ups, full and complete audit logs, along with our added option of 14,000 remote agents to complete Section 2 for any remote employees that you may have.

An AI (Artificial Intelligence) enhanced Social Media Background Check uses natural language processing with 11 risk classification along with keyword matching to deliver results with screen shots of the posts. Sites searched are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Linkedin. Risk classifications include: Violent Images, Explicit Images, Drug Related Images, Toxic Language, Threat of Violence, Self-Harm, Political Speech, Obscene Language, Narcotics, Insults and Bullying, and Hate Speech. You can also have specific key words to be searched.

nurse at work

Social Media Background Check

An AI (Artificial Intelligence) enhanced Social Media Background Check uses natural language processing with 11 risk classification along with keyword matching to deliver results with screen shots of the posts. Sites searched are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Linkedin. Risk classifications include: Violent Images, Explicit Images, Drug Related Images, Toxic Language, Threat of Violence, Self Harm, Political Speech, Obscene Language, Narcotics, Insults and Bullying, and Hate Speech. You can also have specific words to be searched.

Social Media Background Check

Other Services

nurse at work
This product searches an applicant’s name and birth date for any records in the National Sex Offenders Database. Sex Offender photos and description of their crime are included in the history. Turnaround Instant.

The Office of Foreign Asset Control Search (OFAC) is a database list of foreign nationals that the United States government currently has sanctions against; whose property may be blocked; and with whom no US person may have dealings. The information contained herein may include one or more of the following: date of birth, place of birth, passport number and country, citizenship or US-SSN, employment or group membership or affiliation. The Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Asset Control provides updates. Turnaround instant.

Federal plus one state of residence


Federal plus all 50 states


The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and The General Services Administration (GSA) search uses the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Office of Inspector General’s database for individuals and businesses excluded or sanctioned from participating in Medicare, Medicaid, or other federally funded programs. The search is also comprised of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). This search is a historical search as opposed to the United States Government’s search which removes names. Turnaround instant.

History of Workers Compensation claims. Report typically includes the date of incidences, time lost, employer during the time of the incident, type of injury and body part injured. Each state limits the data they report. (This report can only be generated after a “conditional job offer” has been made). Turnaround varies by state.

Physicals help determine whether certain applicants or employees are medically and physically able to perform their roles. These exams compare the health of the individual with the expected demands of a specific occupational role to ascertain appropriate fitness. A physician will review a patient’s medical and professional history before proceeding with a thorough physical examination.

A powerful high-speed search of 14 separate U.S. and foreign sanctions and watch lists including OFAC. Lists include:

  • U.S. Wants & Warrants – Data from compiled records containing information on over 600 fugitives. Information is taken from the FBI Most Wanted, U.S. Marshals Most Wanted, Secret Service Most Wanted, and The D.E.A Fugitives List.
  • Interpol Most Wanted – The persons concerned are wanted by national jurisdictions (or the International Criminal Tribunals, where appropriate), and Interpol’s role is to assist the national police forces in identifying or locating those persons with a view to their arrest and extradition.
  • European Union Terrorism Sanctions List – List, maintained by the European Union, of known terrorists subject to financial sanctions.
  • Health and Human Services Exclusions List – Office of the Inspector General List of 34,855 individuals excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs dating back to 1980.
  • Debarred Parties List – National Security Debarred List consists of persons (including entities and individuals) who have been convicted of violating or conspiracy to violate the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). These persons are prohibited from participating directly or indirectly in the export of defense articles (including technical data) and defense services.
  • Denied Person List – Data from the U.S. Department of Commerce on persons whose export Privileges are denied by federal written order.
  • Bank of England Sanctions List – List published by The Bank of England, the central bank of the United Kingdom, containing the names of individuals against which financial sanctions have been imposed. Targets have been listed by the UN, European Union and the United Kingdom under legislation relating to Al-Qaeda & Taliban, Burma/Myanmar, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia & Serbia, Iraq, Liberia, Terrorism and Zimbabwe.
  • Australian Reserve Bank Sanctions List – List published by Australian Reserve bank to freeze the assets of known terrorists. The list includes individuals listed in the UN Consolidated list, plus unique individuals designated by Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  • Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) – OTS is the primary regulator of all federally chartered and many state-chartered thrift institutions. The OTS enforcement actions list is a directory of actions levied against institutions & affiliated parties.
  • Canadian Sanctions List (OFSI) – List of names, maintained by Canada’s Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, of individuals sanctioned under new Canadian and United Nations anti-terrorism measures.
  • United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List – List of individuals upon whom United Nations Sanctions have been imposed based on new anti-terrorism measures.
  • World Bank List of Ineligible Individuals – List of individuals who are ineligible to be awarded World Bank-financed contacts because of violation like bank fraud and corruption policies.

The Healthcare Continuous Monitoring Background Check is specific to the healthcare industry and gives employers the ability to be proactive in identifying any sanctioned or excluded parties. You will be notified in real-time of any violations to help keep your current workforce compliant and to make sure your company and patients are not at risk.

Continuous Monitoring Background Checks give employers access to be notified in real-time of any reportable changes in criminal activity of any current employees to help mitigate risk that they may not otherwise know about; for a fraction of the price of a background check.

Our Electronic I9 system fully automates the completion, signature, storage, and tracking of all I9’s, making a totally paperless I9 process possible while keeping you in full compliance. It includes a clean easy to read dashboard for tracking all I9s, E-Verify, error detecting pop ups, full and complete audit logs, along with our added option of 14,000 remote agents to complete Section 2 for any remote employees that you may have.
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