
Direct verification of previous employment claimed. Verification of dates of employment, job title, overall performance, attendance, the reason for departure, re-hire status, current salary, and other general comments. Custom questions can also be added for Data Screening to ask a previous employer. Turnaround 1-3 days.
Direct verification of previous employment claimed. Verification of dates of employment, job title, overall performance, attendance, the reason for departure, re-hire status, current salary, and other general comments. Also standard verification questions six DOT specific questions will be asked. Turnaround 1-3 days.
Data Screening will fax the previous employer a DOT driver specific questionnaire that will verify the applicant’s alcohol and drug history while on the job. Employers will be asked to provide documentation of the driver’s successful completion of DOT return-to-duty requirements, including follow-up tests if a driver has violated a DOT drug & alcohol regulation. Turnaround 1-3 days.
Direct verification of previous or current education. Education Verification reports the dates of attendance, diploma or degree earned for the highest level attended. Turnaround 1-3 days.
Data Screening will verify the authenticity of a license through the issuing agency. Reports typically give license type, issuing authority, and disciplinary actions and dates. Examples of licenses that can be verified are FAA, FCC, Nurses, Teachers, Physician, Pharmacists, etc. Turnaround 1 day.
Data Screening will verify references for a job applicant. Data Screening can provide questions to ask a referer, or the requestor can provide custom questions to Data Screening. Turnaround 1-3 days.
Data Screening will look through many different search engines to obtain any web sites with information on an applicant. The search will be performed based on name and any e-mail addresses associated with the applicant. Turnaround 1-3 days.
Data Screening will send applicants DD 214 discharge forms to the military to verify that they are authentic as well as verify dates of service, branch or military and discharge status. Turnaround 15-30 days.